Forum Posting Guidelines

Here's some text which will go above these new posting guidelines

Be courteous
Please treat your fellow community members and EME/BHS Staff in these forums with courtesy and respect. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, everyone should be treated respectfully.
Personal attacks and inflammatory or antagonistic behavior will not be tolerated. If you want to post criticism, please do so constructively. Generalized, vicious or veiled attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.

  • Good criticism: There is this decision about X in the game I dislike and this is how it affects my gameplay. This is how I believe it should be changed/fixed.
  • Bad criticism: This sucks and the people who made it are stupid. This is broken.

Be responsible
If an interpersonal issue arises, please be open-minded to the possibility that your behavior may have contributed to the problem. Taking responsibility for our actions is often a good first step toward a peaceful reconciliation.

Be DESCRIPTIVE in your topic’s subject line
Post a descriptive topic name! Give a short summary of your problem IN THE SUBJECT. Here is a good example of a way to post a question:
Good: How do you use a Buddy Code?
Bad: Help me people

Remember when people help you, they are doing YOU a favor
Be patient and understand the answer you receive might not be what you want. If you’re respectful and use good descriptions in your post, it will be much easier to get the help you need.

Please use SEARCH feature before posting
There is a good chance that unless you have some really odd or unique problem, it has been addressed on our forum before. Please use the forum’s search feature to see if there are already threads on the subject. It’s easy to search – just click the “Search” button at the top right of the page.

Please do not use CAPSLOCK in your subject line or post
CAPSLOCK is an indication of “yelling” and is not appropriate.

Responding to Trolls: Don’t do it!
Don’t engage in dialogue with a troll or a spammer. Report them using the “report post” button located in each post.

Thread Bumping
Do not excessively "bump" a thread (post simply to get a thread to the top of the list).

Please keep threads on-topic
Responses to a particular thread should stay on-topic and pertain to the discussion. Users should use the New Topic button to start a new discussion which would otherwise be off-topic in the current thread. Threads that veer off topic may be redirected, closed or moderated by a moderator. Deliberate disruption or derailing of topics is not appropriate. However, our moderators allow for natural progressions of topics.

Surveys and Petitions
Surveys and petitions are not allowed on the TERA Forums. IF you wish to suggest a topic or get feedback, please start a regular discussion thread.

Please use English Language only when posting
The official language to be used with all postings on these forums is English. While it may not be your first language, please try to make yourself understandable. Remember most of the members probably do not speak your native language either. Please do not use numbers instead of words, for example some1, and sms-talk, for example I'm going 2 b good.

Be sure to post in the correct sub-forum
Please try and check that the topic you are starting is in the correct section of the forums. Moderators will move posts that are obviously in the wrong section.

Discussion, Debates, and Personal Attacks
There is a fine line between discussions/debates and personal attacks. When a debate becomes personal, the Moderators will take necessary action which may include removal or locking of posts.

Respect Other’s Playstyles
Please respect other people's choices and opinions regarding their characters and their favorite gameplay. Do not mock other people’s choices of classes, races, servers, or playstyle (PvP/PvE/RP) Be sure not to make personal attacks

Personal Attacks
In order to maintain a positive atmosphere, no personal attacks or insults will be tolerated. While discussions may become heated, it is not an excuse to result to attacks or insults. There is a difference between a passionate, respectful discussion and one that delves into personal matters. Think of it as debating issues, not individuals. When the line is crossed, the discussion may be closed by the moderation team. Violators will be warned and potentially banned.

Do create posts to discussion Moderation, Moderator actions, or Support Tickets
If you have a problem or a complaint, direct it to the Community Team and not create posts on the forums. You can email

This discussion has been closed.